The One Before Lockdown!

The One Before Lockdown!

With the Covid 19 pandemic, we all had to face and are still facing unprecedented situations in our lives.Writing about one of our exciting yet challenging experiences that we faced during this time. 

The three days before our PM announced the Janta curfew on 22nd March 2020, all shops were shutting down, people everywhere were being asked to minimize or stop their physical/ social interactions Amid all these negativity, we received a requirement about 100 boxes, being asked to be delivered on the next day. 

At first when we received a call, this order made us very excited. We started thinking about the products, started listing down the options. We all were ready to come up with some exciting curations. 

And then reality hit us when we actually started contacting vendors for the materials. Due to Covid, our vendor denied to supply us materials. Local shops were shutting down. Finding tiny flowers for decoration was getting difficult for us.  

If we were to be precise we received this order in the afternoon at 3 and we had to deliver this next morning at 7 to a place 150kms away from our location. After communicating/ negotiating with a lot of vendors for a couple of hours, we finally received a positive response from one vendor for a particular product. Along with the supplies he agreed upon home delivery at 8pm. That was a sigh of relief for us. For the other product, we literally had to dig deep. But considering the situation and time constraints, unfortunately we couldn’t find the product our client agreed upon. At that moment of time we literally had the blackout of thoughts for some time. Explaining the overall scenario we convinced the client on the similar looking product. 

Finding and arranging products took us quite long and we started assembling things post dinner.

If you have read our past blogs, you must be aware of our loving and supportive family members. And yes this time as well our family members were our saviours. With their support we assembled the boxes throughout the night and dispatched it in the morning at 4am.

Considering the overall situation and timeline, completing this order in time has definitely added another feather in our cap.

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