Unique Gifts for Your Loved Ones ♥
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Corporate Gifting
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Hurray, we heard you. Visit our Gift it your way section to customise your own gift box.
Any Fluorescent Studios, Giftbox ordered with Standard Shipping delivers within 2-8 business days depending on the location. We are not responsible for courier partner delays.
We understand that your box is a gift and therefore, we never include receipts or inventory/packing slips inside any of our boxes. In terms of prices, we don't alter any of our products by removing tags or crossing out labels - we want to keep the packaging beautiful and intact.
Unfortunately, we're unable to submit address change requests once an order has shipped. We're so sorry! Please be sure to carefully look over the order confirmation email after your order has been placed, as we're more than happy to make any changes to the shipping address prior to shipment!
Yes, we do ship internationally. You can directly order from the website, or write to us at hello@fluorescentstudios.in for custom orders.